Can you Drink Tap Water in London? – A Helpful Guide




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Some people may not know that the tap water in London is safe to drink. In fact, it’s some of the best-tasting and safest tap water in Europe! There are many myths about drinking tap water abroad – especially when you’re visiting a country like England where you might be expecting cold or cloudy weather – but don’t worry because this article will explain everything you need to know about drinking tap water in London.

Can you drink the tap water in London? You can drink the tap water in London! It’s perfectly safe for human consumption and there are no reports of any recent health-related incidents from people drinking from the faucet. You may notice a slight taste difference between filtered or bottled water but this would only be because the mineral balance naturally found in your local municipal supply is different than what’s found elsewhere.

Do I need to buy bottled water when in London?

There are many misconceptions about tap water and bottled water, but what is the difference? Tap water in London is more regulated than bottled water. The quality of tap water varies from place to place with some areas having better quality than others due to the location and depth of the well or reservoir.

It’s important to note that there are over 200 contaminants allowed by law in American drinking water, including heavy metals like lead and mercury that can lead to health problems such as kidney disease, high blood pressure, cancer, gout, and arthritis. But these are allowed as the percentage of contamination is so very very low it is still deemed safe.

If you’re visiting London, we recommend that you bring a reusable water bottle and fill it up with tap water. Tap water in London is safe to drink!

Tap water in London meets strict health standards that are monitored by experts who ensure safety through regular testing of drinking supplies at the source. It also contains fluoride which strengthens teeth enamel against tooth decay caused by bacteria in our mouths. Tap water also tastes good!

What is Added to the Tap Water in London

Tap water in London? Sounds like the perfect beverage to quench your thirst. However, you may be surprised by what is added to tap water before it reaches your glass.
London’s drinking water comes from two sources: surface and ground. Surface water is taken from rivers and reservoirs, while groundwater originates in aquifers below ground level. To prevent pollutants from entering the supply, treatment centres are located at each of these points along the way to make sure that nothing nasty gets into our glasses of H2O!

Chemicals added to water in London

  • Chlorine
  • Phosphates
  • Flouride

The final stage of treatment usually includes one or more processes such as adding chlorine for disinfection (to kill any bacteria) or lime softening (to remove impurities). The amount of chlorine used varies according to local need

The use of fluoride to prevent tooth decay is a practice that dates back to the 1940s. It has been proven effective and fluoridated water is now administered in many countries where dental hygiene is not as much of an issue. Despite the benefits, there are some who oppose its use or have raised concerns about its safety.

Is the fluoride in London Water Safe to Drink?

Fluoride helps protect against tooth decay and can be found naturally occurring in many of the world’s most popular bottled waters such as Fiji, Evian, and Volvic. However, if you’re living in London it may not be so simple because there are currently no regulations for fluoridation levels or maximum allowable concentrations set by the UK government. This means that your local council could make a decision to add more or less fluoride to your tap water without letting you know beforehand!
Did you know?
-There’s no legal requirement for councils to put out a consultation with residents before deciding on how much fluoride they want to be added

In London, tap water contains 0.8ppm (parts per million) of fluoride – which equates to 1 litre containing 8 millilitres (ml) of fluid with added fluoride each day! In order for someone to consume more than this amount, they would need to drink 4 litres over the course of 24 hours or 2 litres over 12 hours at least three times a week

What about filtering my own water if I want to be safe?

These are questions that many visitors ask when they visit London. The truth is, you can drink tap water in London! It’s perfectly safe for human consumption and there are no reports of any recent health-related incidents from people drinking from the faucet. You may notice a slight taste difference between filtered or bottled water but this would only be because the mineral balance naturally found in your local municipal supply is different than what’s found elsewhere. If you’re looking for an alternative source of clean drinking water, we recommend purchasing a filter pitcher

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